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Law Firm Productivity

  • Billable Hours. The average number of hours billed per case. Broken down by 11 practice areas.

  • Case Load. Number of cases per firm including open, closed, and work-in-progress.

  • Utilization Rate. Average hours billed per attorney and utilization rates.

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  • Nicole Black Avatar
    Nicole Black
2023 Benchmark Report Law Firm Productivity

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Take a Look Inside

In part one of the 2023 Benchmark Report, we analyze data to determine how work gets done in firms and highlight key benchmark productivity KPIs to track in your firm.We analyzed productivity data from MyCase to better understand how different features are used by legal professionals in various practice areas and how the productivity KPIs of different practice areas and various-sized law firms compare.

In part one of the 2023 Benchmark Report, we analyze data to determine how work gets done in firms and highlight key benchmark productivity KPIs to track in your firm.
About the author
Nicole Black Avatar

Nicole BlackPrinciple Legal Insight Strategist

Niki Black is an attorney, author, journalist, and Principal Legal Insight Strategist at AffiniPay. She regularly writes and speaks about the intersection of law and emerging technology. She is an ABA Legal Rebel and is listed on the Fastcase 50 and ABA LTRC Women in Legal Tech.

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