MyCase | Clearbrief Integration

AI Assisted Legal Brief Writing

Integrate MyCase with Clearbrief to automate the process of legal brief writing and discovery analysis, with the power of AI. Sync documents from MyCase to your firm’s Clearbrief account to create a proprietary Clearbrief intelligence engine.


Save Hours of Time

No more wasting time cobbling together printed out attachments. Sync documents from MyCase to Clearbrief, then determine which pages and docs have been cited to, and instantly generate a PDF of Exhibits, saving hours of time.

  • Review and verify the accuracy and completeness of all citations contained in a legal brief or memorandum
  • Compile a perfectly formatted Table of Authorities with 1 click, including citation hyperlinks
Use MyCase File Sync for legal document collaboration

Gain a competitive advantage

Scan your opposing counsel’s brief to look for factual weaknesses and uncover hearsay and find other inadmissible evidence with AI assisted discovery analysis.

MyCase legal case management: document storage feature

What Is Clearbrief?

Clearbrief is a platform that uses AI to aid firms in creating legal briefs and in discovery analysis. Clearbrief gives firms the ability to scan their opposing counsel’s brief to look for factual weaknesses and uncover hearsay and find other inadmissible evidence (AI-powered discovery analysis). With Clearbrief, firms don’t have to waste time cobbling together printed out attachments – Clearbrief determines which pages and docs have been cited to, and instantly generates a PDF of Exhibits, saving hours of time. Clearbrief also performs cite-checking (reviewing and verifying the accuracy and completeness of all citations contained in a legal brief or memorandum) and automatically adds fact citations to Word documents, not only saving hours of time but also increasing accuracy of fact citations.