Upgrading law firm software can be a daunting task. It’s not uncommon for many firms to resist change, as adapting to new processes and technology can disrupt established workflows. However, embracing this transition at the right moment can be a game-changer for your practice.
In this article, we’ll provide you with a set of questions to consider when deliberating a legal software upgrade. We’ll also highlight the ideal time and present 5 compelling reasons to make the move.
What is Law Practice Management Software?
Law practice management software (LPMS), or law firm software, is a comprehensive digital tool designed to streamline and optimize various aspects of legal workflows and operations. It’s tailored to meet the unique needs of law firms and includes some of the following core features:
Billing and invoicing
And more
It’s also important to note that law firms are adopting LPMS software at an accelerated rate. The American Bar Association (ABA) 2022 Tech Report demonstrates a notable increase for solo and small firms.
From 2021 to 2022, the study revealed the following metrics:
Solo practitioners increased use from 32% to 45%
Firms of 10-49 attorneys increased use from 22% to 40%
Firms of 100 more attorneys increased use from 17% to 19%
However, not all LPMS are designed to scale. Many practices reach a point where their current solution cannot keep up with their growth. This marks a pivotal moment when changing law firm software becomes the best course of action.
When Should I Upgrade My Law Firm Software?
The best law practice management software works for you—not against you. If your current LPMS has one or more of the issues below, it’s time to upgrade.
Does the software have trouble running smoothly and/or securely?
Is the software learning curve too steep and complicated?
Do the software features only solve some of your needs, which may require you to use multiple solutions?
Are you currently using (or considering) a server-based system? (which is usually tied to higher overhead costs vs. a cloud-based solution)
What are the overhead costs of your software in terms of hard payments to your provider, IT costs, and server upkeep, if any?
If you’re unsatisfied with your answers, changing law firm software becomes an essential step toward optimizing your practice.
For more details on the different types of software, check out this blog on legal case management software.
Why Should I Switch Legal Management Software?
Firms can streamline their processes and increase efficiency by using the latest technology. New features make managing client data and documents easier while saving time and resources.
Let’s look at 5 reasons to upgrade your law firm software.
1. Improved Client Satisfaction
Law firms that keep their clients in the loop have a higher client satisfaction rate. In turn, this leads to more referrals. The best law practice management software makes it easy to stay in touch with and serve clients on a number of levels—whether or not a case is in full swing.
2. Easily Organized Case Details
Easy access to case documents is paramount to a firm’s operations. Cloud-based law firm software with centralized document management provides a built-in organizational system for your case files. This streamlines processes like document collaboration, legal document automation, and sharing features that enable secure external sharing with clients, co-counsel, experts, and more.
3. Retain More Prospective Clients
The best cloud-based law firm management software meets the unique challenges growing law firms face when converting clients into cases. Consolidating client intake and case management can help you retain more clients and easily manage your cases from initial inquiry to close. With a law firm style CRM included, you can zip prospects through the pipeline, better track leads and close deals / new clients.
4. Simplify Billing Processes
Firms run up against consistent issues related to both billing and collection, such as tracking down unpaid invoices and wasting billable hours on menial tasks. Upgrading your law firm software can make it easier for lawyers to capture more billable time, get invoices out faster, and ensure timely payments.
5. Run Your Practice Like a Business
Running a successful law firm requires insight into a firm’s day-to-day operations. Upgrading law firm software can help your team make data-backed decisions with reports reflecting your firm’s financial health, case status updates, and staff performance.
An Attorney’s Guide To Switching Law Practice Management Software
Download GuidesUpgrade to the Best Legal Case Management Software with MyCase
Start maximizing your billable time, productivity, and return on investment (ROI) with modern cloud-based law firm software. According to the MyCase 2022 Legal Industry Report, which surveyed over 2,300 legal professionals, some of the top features law firms look for in software include:
Online payment processing
And task management
MyCase offers all these features and more, so you can focus more on your casework and less on half-baked technology with hidden costs.
Try MyCase today risk-free with a 10-day free trial. We offer affordable monthly and yearly subscriptions. No commitment or credit card is required, and you can cancel anytime.
And, if you’re ready to upgrade your current lawyer practice management software from another cloud-based provider, the MyCase team is here to provide an easy, fully-guided data migration process—at no additional cost.
About the author
Adrian AguileraSenior Content Writer
Adrian Aguilera is a Senior Content Writer and SEO Strategist for leading legal software companies, including MyCase, Docketwise, and CASEpeer, as well as LawPay, the #1 legal payment processor. He covers emerging legal technology, financial wellness for law firms, the latest industry trends, and more.