Powerful Law Firm CRM Software

Track, manage, and convert more prospective clients into business for your law firm with MyCase Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Lawyer showing client a report
MyCase law firm CRM lead insights product screen

Add Dynamic Lead Forms to Your Firm’s Website

Use our law firm CRM to embed custom lead forms onto your website so prospective clients can easily connect with you. Submitted data flows directly into MyCase, eliminating data entry and organizing your leads in a Kanban view for easy visual tracking.

Enhance legal client relationship management with dynamic forms that respond to client input—showing or hiding questions based on previous answers—to automate lead workflows and convert lead data into case information.

Create specific forms for each of your practice areas or forms specific to each of your marketing channels to better track marketing ROI. There’s no limit to the number of lead forms you can create.

Stay on top of your prospect pipeline

Gain complete visibility and keep track of each prospective client from anywhere on one platform.  With MyCase’s CRM for lawyers, you can assign tasks, set reminders and create consultation appointments for prospective clients and ensure no lead goes unnoticed.

  • Gather lead information through dynamic custom forms that use conditional logic
  • Track a lead from prospect to client on the leads dashboard 
  • Manage leads as they advance from one stage of your pipeline to the next 
  • Customize pipeline stages to match your intake process 
  • See pending forms and eSignature requests and assign open tasks to team members  
  • Use unlimited built-in text messaging to stay in touch with prospective clients

“MyCase’s lead management features have been a game-changer for our firm.”

Benson Varghese, Varghese Summersett PLLC

Benson Varghese headshot, owner of Varghese Summersett law firm
MyCase law firm CRM pipeline management product screen
MyCase law firm CRM pipeline activity product screen
MyCase law firm CRM lead statuses product screen

Make Data-Driven Business Decisions

Easily analyze your prospect pipeline with all of the data you need at the click of a button. Gain greater understanding with reports and dashboards for deep analysis and intelligent decision making. Our CRM for law firms will allow you to find insights for all of your prospects, leading to more growth for your firm.

  • Track referral sources so that you can invest in the channels that drive the most revenue   
  • Access reporting for consultation fee revenue and forecasted pipeline value 
  • Visualize data with charts and graphs so you can make decisions easily
MyCase law firm CRM leads over time report product screen
MyCase law firm CRM lead insights product screen

Power Your Marketing with CRM Data

Easily generate contact reports in your law firm CRM to segment client groups for emailing, notifications, or even personal messages on birthdays and special occasions. Sync your MyCase lead database with your Mailchimp account for effortless email campaigns.

  • Create robust contact reports 
  • Communicate with targeted audience segments
  • Integrate with MailChimp to make email marketing easier 
MyCase law firm CRM mailchimp contacts sync product screen
MyCase law firm CRM contact report product screen

See how an Austin Firm Quadrupled Client Intake with MyCase

“Because of MyCase, we’ve seen such a growth in the business, literally going from maybe meeting three to four people a day to meeting 15 people a day.”

Vi Nanthaveth, Nanthaveth & Associates, PLLC

Legal CRM FAQs

What is a CRM for Law Firms?

Legal CRM software helps small law firms streamline various tasks. In particular, legal CRM makes it easier for firms to do the following:

  • Collect intake information via intake forms
  • Organize lead information
  • Sign retainer agreements
  • Schedule consultations and appointment reminders
  • Assign and manage tasks to team members
  • Centralize client communications via email and text

Overall, legal CRM software can help you build and enhance relationships with clients effortlessly with automation that improves client intake and communication. With law firm CRM tools, you can save time on client intake management and onboarding to stay on top of your pipeline and gain visibility into your legal analytics.

How Many Law Firms Use CRMs?

More than 78% of law firms rely on CRM software to streamline client communications and boost organization.

What Do I Need to Start Using a Legal CRM?

MyCase’s legal CRM software easily integrates with your law firm’s existing website and marketing tools to enhance—and streamline—your marketing efforts. Once signed up, the MyCase Team does all of the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters most: being great for your clients.

Who at My Law Firm Will Use a Legal CRM the Most?

Attorneys, firm owners, administrative teams, support staff—anyone at a practice can benefit from legal CRM software because it’s designed to streamline firm processes and client communications.

What Are the Key Features of a Legal CRM?

A legal CRM streamlines and automates various tasks to build and enhance client relationships. From tracking leads and collecting intake to generating contact reports and segmenting client groups, law firm CRM features help firms optimize client management.

How can MyCase’s CRM for law firms improve my business?

Our law firm CRM allows you to generate and track leads and customize pipeline stages to match your process. By identifying qualified leads, you can boost your firm’s bottom line and onboard clients who are well-aligned with the services your firm has to offer.

Once signed up, our CRM software can help your firm assign tasks, set reminders, and create appointments seamlessly. In addition, you can improve your customer relationship management process by using features like built-in text messaging to stay in touch and get real-time updates.

Legal CRM software reduces bottlenecks during the follow-up process to help you turn more prospects into paying clients. Additionally, you can track everything from first to last contact in a centralized location and organize clients based on the pipeline stage.

Have other law firms experienced increased success with CRM software?

CRM software for law firms can streamline internal and external processes and client communication. MyCase’s CRM for lawyers helps more than 16,000 law firms nationwide reach stability and financial security by setting up successful processes, improving their operations through automation, and reducing errors. Additionally, we’ve helped them build relationships with clients while making data-driven business decisions with real-time legal analytics and reports.

Legal CRM also integrates with marketing tools, such as email marketing software, to help segment groups for emailing, notifications, and personal messages to make marketing easier and more efficient for busy lawyers.

How is using a CRM software better than manual tracking?

Manual tracking is time-consuming and could cost your law firm money. Using spreadsheets or tracking email conversations means using inefficient manual data entry prone to human error and mistakes. With CRM software, all your client communications, leads, and important client information is centralized in one location to help you convert prospects into clients. Rather than relying on manual entry, shared and accurate data can be populated across deliverables such as invoices, documents, and contacts to ensure consistency through the intake process and beyond.

With MyCase CRM, you can review past conversations to ensure you understand a prospect’s needs and can convince them why you’re the right law firm for their legal needs. Meanwhile, you can review progress to identify bottlenecks in your onboarding process to help prospects move through your pipeline more efficiently.

CRM for lawyers makes tracking customer engagement and prospects easier throughout the pipeline. With MyCase legal CRM, you can track a lead from prospect to client and manage leads as they progress through the pipeline while customizing experiences to match your unique intake process. Additionally, you can use built-in text messaging to communicate with prospective clients, send reminders, and follow up with clients.

How difficult is it to integrate a new CRM into my law firm?

MyCase offers an easy-to-use platform for law firms of all sizes. You can easily integrate a new legal CRM with your website and marketing tools, including Mailchimp, for enhanced marketing campaigns. Additionally, you can include a CRM for attorneys in your web design to enhance the overall user experience and easily track form submissions and prospect contact information.